Thursday, November 11, 2010

Giving Back

I am sitting here thinking, have I ever really given back, I mean if I meant in a loving caring way, then yes sure, but material wise, I do not believe that I ever have. I hate to sit here and think about all the times I've wanted to and never got around to it, I mean shouldn't I make time for things like that, Yes I should, but never have :( It saddens me to realize while I've always meant to donate old coats, or give to toys for tots,send a package overseas, I've never actually done any of those things. I've given away baby clothes instead of selling them, but I never really donated to food drives,put something in the boxes at the grocery stores when they are collecting, I am more than sure I can afford to and my family would not go without. I think this makes me a very selfish person. I hope that this year it won't be like that, I am going grocery shopping tomorrow and I am going to put something in that box and see if P's school is still collecting can goods, so many people are going without this holiday season, so think back on your own life and ask yourself , have you ever given back?

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