This is long, so you might not read it, I am going to take this same test in 3 months and see where I am... this is for me... :)
On the overall affectedness scale you are probably anxious and or depressed much of the time. More than likely it is hard for you to enjoy life on any consistent level. You are always second-guessing yourself and the world around you. You are over thinking and obsessing and you hardly ever experience peace of mind. You’re often fearful, worrisome, and unhappy. You don’t like being this way but you don’t know what to do to change. Things are too much work and no one understands the way you feel. You go from worry to depression, to worry again, wearing yourself out with your thoughts and what if thinking. You probably hate yourself much of the time for being so miserable to be around and yet you can’t seem to find comfort when you’re alone. Nothing makes you feel safe or happy, and life is just one big struggle. Please, get help. You can be happy and confident again. You just need a clear plan of action and the right tools.
Agoraphobic Feelings: You are an extreme worrier and catastrophizer. You are constantly evaluating your situation and anticipating potential for danger or embarrassment. You have allowed your worry and anticipation of bad things happening to control your life. You avoid doing certain things that could make you anxious and uncomfortable. You make excuses to your family and friends about why you can’t do things and go certain places. Possibly you have created a safe area and comfortable boundaries in your life. Possibly you feel safe at home, or you have limited your travel to a certain place or distance. There might be places you will go and places you won’t go, things you will do and things you won’t do. Your life has become very limited and you make decisions based in fear. You are probably holding yourself back from some wonderful life experiences because of your fears. You worry that you will panic, die, choke, faint, lose your mind, or embarrass yourself in front of someone in situations or places that make you uncomfortable. This level of agoraphobia (anxiety and avoidance) is confining and controlling and greatly affects the quality of your life. You possibly avoid shopping, driving, or socializing on some level. You also probably avoid any travel that threatens your sense of control, such as buses trains, airplanes, etc. You make plans around your fears. You won’t go unless there is a private restroom close by, you won’t go unless you can sit by the door, you won’t go unless you can drive…and often you simply just won’t go because you don’t want to feel those anxious body feelings.
General Anxiety: You are an intense person who constantly feels on edge. You worry and anticipate about things in your life on an ongoing basis. You are often in a sensitized state. This means you are extremely sensitive to lights, sounds, and your surroundings. You probably have an anger problem and might even struggle with explosive outbursts. You feel like a car in high gear with the brakes on, you are all wound up with nowhere to go. Your mind races with a thousand reasons why you should worry. Physically you may experience intense inner nervousness, shallow breathing and sighing, upset stomach, headache, muscle tension, and even rapid heart beat. Probably you are someone who worries about your health. Do you have a disease; are you having a heart attack? You anticipate situations that you are concerned about for days, if not weeks in advance. These situations could include health tests or exams, travel plans, social or professional events or pressures. You have an extremely difficult time relaxing and might sometimes use alcohol or medications to help you calm down. You envy people who are relaxed and happy because both these traits seem to elude you.
Panic: You are an over reactor who is often in a state of alert. You create panic in your body and in your life by an unconscious choice you make to overreact. When you do this you release certain body chemicals such as adrenalin that actually make you more anxious and create panic feelings. Your heart pounds, your breathing becomes difficult and shallow, you feel spacey, you begin to sweat, and your mind begins the what-if fearful thoughts. If your in a car you worry about losing control while driving, if your in crowd you worry about being trapped or doing something foolish, if you’re up high on a balcony you may worry about falling…or worse yet, jumping! Your mind is racing now. You know you’re going to die or lose control. You need to get out. You need to breath. You need to go somewhere safe…but where? You are in a full blown panic attack. It is frightening and overwhelming. Nothing matters but feeling in control again. Possibly you run to the emergency room, to your family doctor, or to a therapist. Possibly you take medication. If you suffer with panic attacks control is important to you. You want to know how long, how far, and how many people will be there. You need to feel safe and in control at all times. You live with a constant fear of panic attacks. Sometimes you panic for no real reason. Other times you may avoid places and activities that have caused panic attacks before. You may plan your life around anticipation and avoidance of future attacks. Panic attacks are horrifying. You are convinced you are dying, losing your mind, or losing control in some way.
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